He Directs Our Trails

By Bobby Brewer

“In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight” (Prov. 3:6)…if you’ll let Him.

There are a number of Bible verses reminding us that God welcomes the opportunity to guide us (Ps. 23:3, 37:23-24, 78:14, Isa. 42:16 etc., just to name a few). The path that God lays out for us however is not always an easy one but it is the right one that ultimately leads to the tranquil waters you’re seeking. They are centered on Jesus and no one else. And so, may we walk with Him and follow His leading trusting that it is the path that leads to blessing, joy, and a purposeful life. It is God’s presence that makes His path special and as you walk in it you will find yourself enjoying the journey. How is He guiding you?

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